Thursday, September 22, 2011

Learning Experience

So my dad and I had a lovely chat about my pictures the other day.  I showed him what I was talking about, the foreground and the background, and how things appeared to be on different planes even though they were right next to each other.  And he explained to me about aperture and shutter speed and lighting and focusing.  I think my next roll of film will turn out much better.  He also made me feel better by saying that usually with a film camera, you are lucky to get one super good shot from a roll.  I guess that makes sense, you can't go back and delete unwanted things or preview before you develop.  But like I said, that's what makes it charming and exciting.  Even though most of my pictures didn't turn out how I was anticipating, it was still fun.  So I can't wait until I can develop my next roll.  I really like the artistic aspect of having a film grain on the pictures as well.  I used to play with that filter in photoshop, and now it's just there, haha.  Funny huh?

Then Nick and I were looking online at prices of a digital SLR…..let's just say it's going to be awhile before I get one of those!  Maybe for Christmas in a few years, haha.  It's crazy though, the little digital point and shoots are like $50 now.  I remember when I got mine 4 years ago, it was $250 for a 7.1 mgpxl.    Technology is funny isn't it?  I got a 4 GB Ipod for like $200 + when they first came out.  And my laptop I got when I was starting college?  That thing is a beast, must weight like 8 lbs or more.  Eh, but it's dead. Probably time to do some upgrading, huh?  The only thing is when you do, you're outdated again in a year.  Oh well.

Anyhoo, I'm going to get my latest roll developed in a couple days and then we can see how those turned out, they are mostly outdoor shots and such.  Hopefully good!

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