Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Well, let's just say my first experience with a film camera didn't go as well as I would have liked.  My dad had sent me an old professional grade Nikon, and when it wouldn't turn on, he sent me another Nikon he had used when I was a kid. It appeared to be fine, but when developed, it seemed everything I focused on, the camera made blurry.  Maybe I had the wrong shutter speed or film setting or something.  Oh well, learning process.  Although I doubt Nick will let me practice anymore.  It's 3 bucks to develop and 5 for the CD.  Digital is easier and less expensive, and for the moment, sharper.  I'm confident I'll get better though.  I didn't have a flash, so the pictures in the sunlight turned out tons better.  So maybe I'll just do outside or in the window from now on.  And I need to get online and look up a manual to figure out shutter speeds.  But for the time being, here are the few non blurry ones.  I've got Tristan and Isaac and the kitties, as well as Nick's mom and random items.  Enjoy

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