Sunday, September 4, 2011


Nick says we trade in cats like the redbox……….

ok, well, Gigi had a deep dark secret.  It was, "I like to poop on the carpet in front of your door"….

We tried putting her kitty box in front of our door, she used it once, then decided she liked our carpet better.  Then we caged her, she would get mad, and I would feel bad about a kitten being locked up.   But the minute I set her free, to my door she would go.  It was a problem.

So we called the lady we got her from and explained what was going on, and she said we could bring her back.  Her son was there to take Gigi back and told us one of the kittens had been having problems and going on the floor, they just couldn't tell who.  Good thing we were able to figure it out for them…….

It's super sad too, Gigi was cute and sweet.

Well, Suki got super depressed that evening and cried all night long.  So a couple days later, we found her a new friend.  We met the little kitten, Rajah, at a nice house in up in the Salt Lake valley.  She seemed really sweet and friendly, and her family was very nice.  They invited us right in to visit for a bit.  She was sooo cute, we agreed to take her.  Then, Rajah freaked out.  Ever seen the movie Mouse Hunt?  Where Catzilla goes nuts and shakes the crate around the floor?  That was her.

We thought she'd calm down when we got her to the house…..nope.  She wandered around growling and hissing like it was meowing.  Then she would jump on Nick's lap and hiss every time he moved.  Pretty much we were terrified of her the first night.  Then she appeared to calm down and has started being more normal.  She's cuddly and lets us pet her now…..*nervous laugh*  I'm hoping the spay will calm her down considerably.  She's very beautiful though, a snowshoe lynx point siamese.

And Tristan is doing very well.  We went to the lactation clinic again to get some advise, and the lady wasn't especially helpful, but gave us a few pointers.  I guess they don't get many babies over 3 weeks old…….Tristan is just special when it comes to breastfeeding.  Oh well.  And his physical therapist put this funky tap on his neck and said it would make him want to hold his head up but it just gave him a rash…..not happy about that.  So we will be finding someone who has a better idea of what to do.  Maybe the kid just needs a neck brace because it just keeps getting worse.  Other than neck problems,  he is being very social and chatty.  He discovered himself in the mirror, and everytime he would touch his reflection he would giggle his butt off.  He loves to have his hands played with, it's super cute.  And he has this darling shriek of a giggle that makes us laugh, which makes him laugh even more.  He's a ton of fun, I can't wait to see how he changes as he gets older.  I can already tell he's like Nick.  Nick gets very silly when he is tried, and so does Tristan.  Tonight when we got home from the grocery store, my little brother Phil was making funny faces at him and Tristan was having a ball laughing crazy.  Then Phil made the wrong face I guess and scared the poop out of Tristan.  He went beet red and started screaming……it was hilarious.  Of course he went right to sleep afterwards, haha.  What a cute kid.

Rajah……plotting our demise I'm sure

Mommy and baby

Guess what I've been up to….?


So sleepy after playtime

I love these rings, but my fingers are so tasty!

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