Nick and I have moved 5 times in our marriage. The ward we are in is our 6th, and we have only been in it for a month. Well, we are now going to our 7th ward.
This morning Nick was called as the second councilor in the bishopric of a young single adult ward. CRAZY! We are both very excited though, I could tell Nick was a little nervous as we were sitting in front of the stake offices, wondering what was going to happen. But it's going to be great. I know Nick is going to love the opportunity to serve. And me? Haha, and I thought having Tristan in the last ward was awkward, at least they were all married couples! Now he REALLY is the only baby there. And trust me, he made plenty of noise for our first Sunday, haha.
I know Nick's going to be fine, he's always been very good with people lots of responsibility. Me on the other hand? I'm not very sociable, never have been. I have a very hard time letting loose and getting to know the people around me. For instance, at my jobs, I'm only social when I have to be, and think that kind of hurt me. I didn't get to know my coworkers like I could have, and I don't think I was very close with any of them. I'm a very OCD kind of person, I do what needs to be done and don't make anything social of it. Which is why being a stay-at-home mom suits me perfectly. Now, I'm going to be forced to get out there. The member of the stake presidency we met with this morning told us this was going to be an amazing opportunity for us to be good examples. He told me specifically that I'm going to be able to help the sisters in a very special way, and I'm assuming he's talking about pointing them towards marriage and family. I want to try something. I want to get to know them. I mean, I want to actually work on being their friend. And that is going to be very hard for me, very out of my comfort zone. I sat close to the front today, (even with a screaming child) and Nick said he was very proud of me for it. That made me feel really good, and gave me the motivation I needed. Next week, I'm going to try talking to some of the girls on my own.
I'm so proud of Nick for his willingness to serve. I can't imagine what he must be feeling, having to work, go to school, take care of his family, and now help take care of all those young adults. But I'm glad to be right there with him. He'll never have to want for my support, he always has it. And it was very special as well that his mom could be here this weekend to be a part of that. She was able to be there when he was set apart, and I know that was very special to him.
What an exciting weekend! Nick's mom has been here with us, we've gone shopping, played games, all gotten hair cuts and eaten super tasty food. Saturday night we all went out for Sushi ( me and Tristan passed of course) but it was good company and good fun. We had also gone shopping at RC Willey for Will, but while we were there we found the perfect coffee table. Originally $300-400, our favorite salesman Broc sold it to us for $100. And Nick was called to be in a bishopric, which as Gene Kelly would say, "it s'wonderful, it s'marvelous"!
This morning when we got home from the interview, Nick asked Will what he should read in the scriptures and he said Ether 12 because he's got a lot of trials ahead of him. It was funny what he said, but you know what? It's true. This isn't going to be easy. If I thought I never saw Nick before, now I'm really not going to. But at the same time, we are both going to learn and grow so much. And we are both very happy and excited for it.
Standing on curly toes
Hanging with Nana
Every day I'm shuffelin'
(dancing to party rock)
Nana got him to sleep
Nick's getting a hair cut
Happy as can be for a fun weekend!
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