Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Tristan and I have finally slipped into a daily routine, which makes my life considerably more predictable and easy.  He usually wakes up between 6 and 8 AM, eats, giggles for a little bit and then goes back to sleep.  He'll then sleep till about 10 or 11, wake up, eat and want to play till he gets very grumpy around 1 and needs to go back down for a nap.  Ahhh, this is his long nap, which means mommy gets to take a bath or shower and feel better about herself.  Then, of course, he wakes up around 3 and eats, and is awake till 6 or 7, when he gets grumpy again and goes back to sleep.  Fairly predictable right?  Except last night instead of going to bed at midnight like he usually does, he kept me awake for another two hours.  He kept faking me out, pretending he was falling asleep, but then when I'd put him down, he'd open his eyes and giggle like a mad baby at me.  He thinks he is so clever……ha

And I've also taken away the bottle.  It has mad the last few days crazy, and my patience has seriously been tried.  But I've decided it's time to stop fighting him.  I hate when I try to breastfeed that he will freak out and have a melt down, and all I'm trying to do is feed him!  So, with the schedule, he is now breastfeeding just fine.  I just can't ever try when he is completely awake, it has to be right after he wakes up……he must have some sort of breast phobia…..crazy kid.  I'm hoping as he gets older and realizes it means food, the meltdowns will stop.  

But most days, I just hang around the house, picking up here an there, straighting the bed over and over again, rearranging the magazines on our coffee table, and staring out the window at people passing by.  If I had a house key, maybe I'd take Tristan out.  But then again, the stroller is in the back of the car and Nick takes it.  Limits my life quite a bit.  I usually bake when I'm bored, but I have no one to feed it to, so it's pointless.  I've kinda lost interest in scrapbooking for now, because whenever I start, it's like Tristan has this radar that goes off and he wakes up and wants attention.  So there I am with a giant mess of papers, pictures, glue and scissors that I have to clean up and put away.  I hate that I'm so OCD, I have to clean up one thing before I can ever start another.  And if I leave it, the other furry members of my family are likely to get into it.  

And for Tristan, he has physical therapy tomorrow and I think I'm going to ask about getting a helmet.  Yeah, he's going to look like a special baby if we do it, but he will not sleep with his head the right way and so it's flattening out on the left side and looks completely ridiculous.  If we don't fix it while his head is plyable, he's going to end up looking like Sloth from the Goonies.  So hopefully, his therapist will have some good ideas, because sorry, the stupid "neck stretches" haven't done jack diddally squat.  I've started wondering why we keep going if we're not seeing results.  Maybe we should find another therapist, and start afresh.  

Ah well, off to clean something.  Exciting is the life of the stay-at-home-mom.

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