So either I have issues, or something is wrong with my camera. The only thing I can think of is that silly aperture setting my dad told me to use. It appears that with that setting, none of the pictures turn out. There's not even anything on the negative. But I'm confused, because when I was taking the pictures, I noticed it halfway through the roll and changed it to 125. But that would mean the first picture was taken under A, and it turned out just fine.
So confused.
At any rate, I called Allen's photo to see if they had any idea what had happened, because I thought maybe something had gone wrong in the development process. The guy there said it was probably something wrong with my shutter, and to check the settings or take it to a Nikon specialist. Eh, maybe this whole film thing isn't really worth it. I'm super disappointed though, I want to take more film pictures, but not pay to have only 1 or 2 turn out. That's really stupid.
On another note, Tristan got fitted, well plastered, for his helmet today. Poor dear, haha he screamed the whole way through. First the doctor took a pantyhoes kinda thing, cut out a hole for his face and put it around his head and neck. Tristan wasn't too excited about that, but did ok. Then he put another one on. Then rolled plaster coated gauze around his head…..Tristan hated that! Then we had to let it harden before cutting it off. Poor baby. He fell right to sleep afterwards though! We get to go back in two weeks, by then the doctor will have built the helmet and we'll get to have it fitted perfectly to Tristan's head. He probably won't like that either.
waiting for the doctor
and eating a ring, yum!
little bank robber
or skier, whichever
yeah, he's mad, plaster is hard to get off…..
exhausted and ready to go home
Poor little boy! But, he will thank you when he is older and doesn't have a flat side to his head! :)