We wanted something unique, but all the purebreds like bengals, himalayans, savannah cats and sphynx were a couple hundred dollars a piece! Siamese purbreds were very expensive as well. We wanted something for free, and we thought rescuing from a shelter would be the best idea. I had called the humane society because I found a siamese kitten for adoption on their website, but she got adopted literally right before I called. Then the shelters charge astronomical fees for their adoptions…..it's like they'd rather put the animal down than find it a good home, and that's a problem. So to ksl we went. And yesterday, we found the perfect little kitten. She is a calico ragdoll mix, just as sweet as can be. The lady we got her from breeds ragdolls and her stud got to one of her son's cats. And well, this little gal was actually a mistake, haha, hence the reason we got her for $5 instead of $100.
Nick named her Gigi, because she is such a little miss. She's very cuddly and playful and loves the feather wand we bought her. All we have to do now is introduce her to Suki and hope it goes well! We tried when we brought her home, but Suki wasn't too thrilled and went and hid. We'll try it again today.
I guess we could have called her Prof. Fate
since she's only got a half a mustache
She is crazy!
Such a pretty pattern on her back
She loves feathers, and whining until
someone is paying attention to her
Oh Sara! You are Too funny!