I suppose you've been wondering about Tristan's helmet…..well, after the 4th adjustment, he started getting little sores all over his head again. It still looked too tight in many places. So we took it off to let the sores heal, and then, when we tried to put it back on again, it didn't fit at all. We went into the orthodic office again today, and apparently, Tristan had some sort of crazy growth spurt right after the initial fitting…so it never actually fit quite right. On the bright side, he did go from a 13 mm discrepancy to a 4 mm discrepancy in his overall measurements, which is a great improvement. The problem is, he still has a "wind swept" look. Which means his head shape is still off, with flattening here and bossing there, making it look like his head has been swept to one side. The options? Grow a lot of hair. Or, try again. This time though, it would be a different type of helmet and he would be watched more closely. Russ asked me today what my thoughts were, and I said, "well, I don't want him to come to me when he's 10 years old and say 'mommy what's wrong with my head?' and me answer 'Oh, we were too lazy to take care of it….'" Then Russ laughed and said that made him feel guilty too, so we would see about trying again. I will say he did warn me in the beginning, this was going to be a hard shape to fix, but we're going to try our best.

Nice mug shot
There, that's better!
Trying to stand up by himself
Playing with his seal toy
What? Green eyes now?
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