I'm pretty sure Tristan has made it to bratty stage. In other words, the period of time where babies just cry for no reason. It's actually kind of funny. He was laying on the bed with Nick yesterday morning, and Nick was talking with him all cute like. Then he laid down next to him, and Tristan freaked out. he just went beet red and did that screaming so hard I'm not making any noise bit with all his limbs shaking. The best one though was when he was eating, and Nick sneezed super loud a scary in the kitchen, Tristan got startled so bad that he started crying. So I was like, Tristan, it's ok! And he made this dopy grin at me through his tears. What else……? He's trying his hand at laughing, but he's not too great at it yet. It sounds more like he is dying, but he makes a huge smile, so we figure it's his attempt to giggle. He also amuses himself by cooing at nothing in his crib in the middle of the night. Maybe he's talking to his mobil. He just keeps getting cuter and more fun by the day. And when you go "hi" all baby like at him, he responds the same way, it's funny.

I pooped! yeay!
What are you looking at?
Daddy's boy
Give 'em the laaaazy eye!
Just ate and so happy!!
I can't wait for Isaac to be a the cute stage. He just started a cranky stage and won't go to sleep until 2am. I hope Tristan's bratty stage doesn't last long :)