Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tristan Trepidation

Yesterday morning a very large box arrived on my door step.  I knew who it was from and exactly what it was, but I pushed it into the living room and went to work without opening it.  Work was crazy insane busy, like it normally is, so I didn't think about it all day.  I stayed occupied rooming patients and taking nurse calls until 8 PM when I drove home to get ready for FHE with our friends, Karl and Amber.  When I walked in the door, I about had a mini panic attack.  Nick had taken the liberty of opening the box from his brother Chris and wife Eryn, and there before me sat an infant carrier car seat.

Suddenly it dawned on me that the squirming worm in my belly was actually a baby and that he would be occupying that seat in just three months.  Funny how such a big ordeal took that long to really hit me.

Not really sure how prepared I am.  But then again, who ever is?  You can read all the books and magazines you want.  Take all the classes you find, but I don't think there is too much that can really prepare you for those first few months as a new parent.  I tried registering at Target and Babies R Us and it took me about a week before I even got most of the basics covered.  Babies take soo much!  First they overthrow your body, then they empty your bank account.......then they steal your life......hahaha I'm just kidding.

It's true though, once you start having kids, they are yours forever.  You never stop being a parent no matter how old they get.  Intimidating?  Slightly.  But I'm also pretty sure there is no greater joy than having a family.  And I really can't wait to actually hold my Tristan.  It's going to be a different story though when I catch him painting the walls with diaper water colors or building sand castles in the litter box.

So!  Item one checked off the baby list: car seat.  Get excited Nick.....only about fifty billion more items to go.

Thanks Chris and Eryn!

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