Nick has been very proud of his fish tanks lately. We haven't had a fish die in a few months! That is great for us, because when we first started, they were killing each other off and we were feeding them the wrong food and killing them......good thing babies aren't as finicky as fish right? hahaha. But really, our 3 tanks are doing fabulously and I thought I would post some pictures!

We have a 10 gallon with guppies to feed our cichlids and a breeding pair of bushy nose plecos. We have a 20 gallon with Lake Tanganyikan fish that I like to call Shermahorns because of their grumpy faces. They are really compressiceps and calvus. We also have a couple of syndontus catfish in there. In our big tank, the 56 gallon, we have our giant synodontus catfish, the bichir eel and the crazy cichlids. We are down to 5 of them, and have had as many as 15 in there before, but they would die, or Nick would take them to school because of how mean they were to each other. I had a beautiful little fusco who didn't even make it his first night.....he got eaten. And my purple mpenga, yeah he bloated up and died too.....sad day. Now, we're pretty sure we have the perfect balance.
Once I can convince the fish the pictures would turn out better if they would hold still, I'll post some!
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