Suki stayed with us, happily spending her days eating, sleeping, and chasing little furry mice toys around the house and even playing fetch with them. About a year after Nick and I got married, I was at work finishing the day when a patient mentioned to the front desk there was a cat outside trying to get into people's cars. I peaked out the window and saw the most adorable little fluff ball in the world. I still had about half an hour before I could leave, but I hoped he would still be out in the parking lot when I left.
Sure enough, there he was sitting in front of the building when I walked out to my car. I just couldn't leave that sweet thing in the cold, so I called Nick and begged him to let me keep him. The cute little booger snuggled up in my lap, and even my boss drove by and said I should keep him. Of course, Nick said no, but I ignored him and stuck the cat in my car and drove to BYU to pick Nick up. On the way over, the kitten stuck his head in a glass I'd taken my breakfast to work in, got stuck, freaked out and proceeded to get left over milk all over himself, me and my front seat. So he wasn't as cute as I'd hoped to present him to Nick.
Bastian is pretty much a little dog. His breed, or at least we think his breed, is Maine Coon. And they have the personality and physique of a dog. Unfortunately, Bastian is the runt of the litter. He still plays fetch, sleeps on his back, follows at your heels like a puppy, and chews on everything. We finally got him a dog rope after he ate three of my socks. That seems to keep him happy. Suki turned into a fat lard that sleeps all day and only pays us any mind when she hears the familiar crinkle of her food bag. But I still adore them and call them my little children. Boy, they are going to be jealous when Tristan finally gets here.....
haha! I'm sure they will be uber jealous when Tristan gets here. And he will probably bug them to no end pulling on their tails and playing with their toys like I did with my cat when I was little.